
Project Type:
Onsite and in-house support

Attending approximately 100+ calls per month, achieving an average of 99% next day fix SLA



Capita's previous support partner was not able to achieve and maintain the agreed nationwide next-day SLA for clients. Excessive wait times for printer repairs ultimately resulted in Capita being subject to significant fines and the risk of lost business.


After analysing the best approach to achieve a demanding SLA, PKS decided to invest significant capital to purchase multiple fully-serviced and operational printers. PKS engineers were then able to attend sites and instantly swap-out printers, ensuring any down-time and impact to the client was kept to an absolute minimum.


PKS increased both next-day attendance and next-day fix to 99.8% nationwide for clients such as Travis Perkins and Woseley on behalf of Capita. Call vetting processes ensured that time was used efficiently with faults fixed over the phone wherever possible, reducing down-time of equipment and the client impact.